Bungo Stray Dogs: Does Osamu Dazai Die In The Manga?



A Shocking Twist in Bungo Stray Dogs

If you’ve recently watched Episode 10 of Bungo Stray Dogs Season 5, you’re probably on the edge of your seat, wondering if Osamu Dazai is really gone. Well, you’re not alone. Just like you, many fans are eager to find out what happened to our beloved character, Dazai.


Dazai’s Fate in Episode 10

In Episode 10, the story took a shocking turn when Dazai was shot in the head by none other than his former partner, Chuuya. The chemistry between these two characters has always been a fan favorite, making this twist even more heart-wrenching.


The Uncertainty Surrounding Dazai’s Fate

Now, the big question on everyone’s mind is whether Osamu Dazai is truly dead. As of now, it’s not confirmed. The episode adapted Chapter 109 of the manga, where Chuuya delivered the fatal shot. However, the manga only goes up to Chapter 110, and there’s no mention of Dazai’s condition in the latest chapter.


 Waiting for Answers

As the anime has caught up to the manga, there are no more chapters to adapt. So, the only way to get a clear answer is to wait for the final episode of the anime. It’s a tough situation for fans who are eager to know Dazai’s fate.


 Clues from the Manga

Interestingly, the manga scene differs slightly from the anime. After being shot in the head, Dazai manages to utter, “At long last, I’ve been looking forward to this…” before losing consciousness. It’s highly unlikely for anyone to speak after such a grievous injury, raising questions about Dazai’s true condition.


 The Importance of Dazai’s Character

Dazai is an iconic character in Bungo Stray Dogs, much like Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen or Levi in Attack on Titan. Losing such a beloved character would undoubtedly upset fans.


 Fan Theories and Speculations

Fans have not taken this twist lightly and have come up with various theories. One theory suggests that the bullet may have only grazed Dazai due to Chuuya’s gravity manipulation. Additionally, some fans speculate that Chuuya might be pretending to have shot Dazai as part of a bigger plan.


The ‘Skk Plan’ Theory

Intriguingly, some fans refer to the “Skk plan,” which includes points such as Chuuya regaining consciousness, Dazai tricking Fyodor, and Chuuya deliberately missing vital shots. These fans believe that Dazai might be playing possum to deceive Fyodor.


The Waiting Game

In the end, the fate of Osamu Dazai remains uncertain. We’ll have to patiently await the release of more manga chapters or a potential new season of the anime to get the answers we crave. The burning question lingers: Is Dazai dead or alive?



For now, all we can do is speculate and hope for the best. The Bungo Stray Dogs fandom is eagerly anticipating what the future holds for their beloved character. Until then, let’s hold onto our hopes that Osamu Dazai will make a triumphant return to the story.




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