FACT CHECK: Did The Mexican Government Confirm Aliens?



On September 12, 2023, a significant event unfolded in Mexico Congress that sent shockwaves through the world. During this official gathering, two mysterious corpses were unveiled, believed by some to be extraterrestrial in origin. This event has sparked intense interest and discussion, but it’s not the first of its kind this year.


 UFO Disclosure Trend Continues

Earlier this year, the United States Congress held its inaugural Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) hearing in July. The primary focus of this hearing was the suspicion that the government was concealing evidence of unidentified flying objects. In contrast, the event in Mexico City appeared to encourage the pursuit of UFO-related discoveries.


The Presenters and Attendees

The event in Mexico City was hosted by Mexican urologist and journalist Jamie Maussan, who took center stage as the presenter. Joining him were several other scientists, creating a diverse panel to discuss these unearthly matters. Notably, former US Navy pilot Ryan Graves, known for his claims of frequent UAP sightings off the Atlantic coast, was also present. Graves had previously made waves by describing these sightings as “dark grey or black cubes inside of clear spheres” during the UAP hearing in the US Congress.


Unveiling the “Non-Human” Corpses

One of the most eye-catching moments of the event was when Jamie Maussan displayed two mummified specimens that he claimed to be “non-human” and potentially of extraterrestrial origin. In a bid to ascertain the truth behind these claims, experts in fossils and science were brought in to closely examine these specimens. To provide further context, several videos showcasing UFOs and Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena were presented during the hearing.


The Ongoing Debate

While the audience watched in awe, Jamie Maussan made a bold assertion that these specimens were not part of terrestrial evolution. He revealed intriguing findings from scientific analyses, such as radiocarbon dating that indicated 30% of the DNA in the specimens was “unknown.” Moreover, X-ray scans suggested the presence of “eggs” within the bodies, accompanied by metal implants, with the metal in question being a rare type known as Osmium.


 A Historical Perspective

It’s crucial to note that these specimens were discovered in Cusco, Peru, and are believed to be around 1,000 years old. Despite these groundbreaking revelations, it’s important to emphasize that the Mexican government has not yet confirmed the classification of these fossilized specimens as “aliens.”


Questioning Jamie Maussan’s Credibility

While many are captivated by this astonishing revelation, skepticism looms large due to past events. In 2017, Jamie Maussan made similar claims that were subsequently debunked and labeled as “fake.” Researchers who scrutinized those earlier specimens determined that they were, in fact, human children. This history of debunked claims raises questions about Maussan’s credibility as a source.


 The Global UFO Trend

The unveiling of these mysterious corpses in Mexico Congress has sent shockwaves through the public, leading to a wide array of opinions and theories. Some remain cautiously optimistic about the authenticity of these findings, while others suspect a diversionary tactic. As discussions surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrial life continue to gain momentum, it’s worth noting that NASA is set to reveal more UFO-related files, contributing to the global fascination with the unexplained.


Seeking Truth Amidst Speculation

In the midst of all the excitement and controversy, the quest for truth remains paramount. Whether these claims can be substantiated or if they are, indeed, a diversionary tactic is a question that will continue to captivate the world’s attention. As we navigate this uncharted territory, it’s essential to approach these claims with an open mind, rigorous scrutiny, and a commitment to uncovering the facts. The world waits in anticipation for further developments in the ongoing saga of UFOs and potential extraterrestrial encounters.



In a world filled with mysteries, the unveiling of these “non-human” corpses in Mexico Congress has added a new layer to the age-old question of whether we are alone in the universe. As the search for answers continues, humanity remains both fascinated and cautious about the potential implications of such discoveries. While the Mexican government has yet to confirm the authenticity of these claims, the allure of the unknown continues to drive our exploration of the cosmos.




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