Is Selena Gomez Pregnant?



Selena’s Dazzling Appearance at VMAs 2023

Selena Gomez, the talented singer, and actress, stole the spotlight at the VMAs 2023. Dressed in a stunning red gown, she graced the event with her presence, leaving fans in awe of her grace and beauty. However, this radiant appearance sparked a flurry of rumors about a possible pregnancy.

Separating Fact from Fiction

Over the years, Selena Gomez has captured hearts worldwide with her extraordinary talents. From her early days on the Disney Channel to becoming a global sensation, her journey has been nothing short of inspiring. Born on July 22, 1992, in Grand Prairie, Texas, Selena’s influence is felt by many aspiring dreamers.


 A Journey of Stardom and Advocacy

Starting with her role as Alex Russo on “Wizards of Waverly Place,” Selena’s star began to rise. Her musical prowess soon took center stage, and she became a singing sensation with a string of hit songs. Beyond entertainment, Selena has used her platform to raise awareness about mental health. In 2020, she even launched her own cosmetic company, “Rare Beauty.”

 Navigating Relationships in the Public Eye

Selena’s personal life, especially her relationships, have often been under the media’s microscope. From her early romance with Nick to her high-profile relationship with Justin Bieber, known as “Jelena,” she has faced both admiration and scrutiny. Despite the ups and downs, Selena has always carried herself with grace.


 Addressing Persistent Pregnancy Rumors

Throughout the years, Selena has faced pregnancy rumors that have circulated in the media. Speculations about her expecting Justin Bieber’s child created quite a buzz during their relationship. However, no confirmation was ever made, and the rumor eventually faded away.

In 2020, another wave of rumors emerged, this time due to her choice of clothing. Loose-fitting attire led to speculation, but once again, there was no official confirmation. Now, in 2023, after her appearance at the VMAs, the rumor mill is churning once more.


Setting the Record Straight

While the internet went abuzz over Selena’s appearance at the VMAs, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction. Neither Selena nor her team have confirmed the pregnancy rumors. In fact, Selena’s devoted fans have stepped up to clarify that any changes in her appearance are attributed to her recovery from ‘Lupus surgery.’



Selena Gomez continues to be an inspiration, not only through her artistry but also in the way she handles the constant media attention. Her journey from a young Disney star to a global icon is a testament to her resilience and talent. As the world eagerly watches her career unfold, let’s remember to respect her privacy and celebrate her achievements.




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