Starfield Gear, Armor Stats Explained



No matter which RPG (role-playing game) you play, you always need gears and armor to defend yourself while you try to gain experience by hunting or simply escaping from enemies. In the vast world of Starfield, where danger lurks both on alien planets and in the depths of space, understanding how to use armor and gear is crucial. This article will break down Starfield’s armor and gear mechanics in simple terms for you, ensuring that you’re fully prepared for your space voyage.


Armors and Gear in Starfield

In Starfield, armors and gear are your lifeline. Armors encompass everything from spacesuits to helmets, offering protection from various dangers you’ll encounter on your journey. On the other hand, gears include the clothing you wear, weapons for hunting, and equipable items that enhance your abilities.


Examples of armors in Starfield

  1. Spacesuits
  2. Packs
  3. Apparel
  4. Helmets

Examples of gear in Starfield

  1. Rifles
  2. Pistols
  3. Heavy Weapons like Arc Welder
  4. Shotguns
  5. Combat Knives

Understanding Armor and Gear Stats: Each piece of armor and gear in Starfield, whether common or uncommon, comes with stats that define their capabilities. These stats are vital to your survival in the game. Let’s dive into the key stats for armors and gear:


Damage Reduction Stats

  1. PHYS (Physical): Reduces damage from melee and ballistic attacks.
  2. EM (Electromagnetic): Reduces damage from electromagnetic weapons.
  3. ENGY (Energy): Reduces damage from laser and energy-based weapons.


Resistance Stats

  1. Thermal: Provides resistance to heat in hot environments.
  2. Corrosive: Protects against chemical damage in corrosive areas.
  3. Airborne: Helps resist aerial threats like gas bombs.
  4. Radiation: Offers resistance in highly radioactive locations.

These stats play a crucial role in exploration and combat, allowing you to adapt to various challenges. Keep in mind that anything, from protective garments to weapons, falls under the category of gear. Therefore, armor should also be considered a type of gear unless specified otherwise.


Selecting the Best Armor Sets

Now that you understand how armor stats work, it’s essential to choose the best armor sets for your adventures. Armor sets typically include spacesuits, helmets, and packs that complement each other. Here are some of the top armor sets in Starfield:

  1. Constellation Set
  2. Deep Mining Set
  3. Deepcore Set
  4. Mantis Set
  5. Mark I Set
  6. Starborn Set
  7. Explore Set



In the vast expanse of Starfield, where danger can strike from any direction, knowing how to utilize armor and gear is paramount to your survival. By understanding the various stats and selecting the best armor sets, you’ll be better prepared to face the challenges that await you on your space voyage. So, gear up and get ready for an adventure like no other in the world of Starfield!




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