Who is Paul Alexander?



Meet Paul Alexander, a man whose extraordinary resilience has defied the odds. Known as “Polio Paul,” he contracted polio at the tender age of six during a devastating outbreak in Dallas, Texas, back in 1952. This article explores his remarkable journey, highlighting his unwavering spirit and determination to live life to the fullest, despite being confined to an iron lung for the past seven decades.


Paul Alexander’s Early Life

In the summer of 1952, Paul’s life took an unexpected turn when he contracted polio, a debilitating disease that left him paralyzed for life. He vividly recalls those challenging days, saying, “Every time I’d make a friend in the ward, they’d die.” Despite the hardships, Paul’s indomitable spirit shone through, propelling him forward in the face of adversity.


Guinness World Record Holder

Fast forward to August 2023, and Paul Alexander, now 77 years old, has made history by earning a place in the Guinness World Records as the longest-running iron lung patient. This achievement speaks volumes about his resilience and unwavering determination to survive against all odds.


Overcoming Challenges

Although Paul is paralyzed from the neck down, he has achieved remarkable milestones. He not only graduated from high school but also penned a memoir titled “Three Minutes for a Dog.” His story serves as an inspiration to many, demonstrating that the human spirit can triumph over even the most challenging circumstances.


Life Inside the Iron Lung

Paul continues to reside in his iron lung, a contraption invented in 1928. This airtight capsule envelops the patient’s entire body, leaving only the head exposed, while negative pressure helps suction in oxygen. This unique method allows his lungs to expand and enables him to breathe.


Refusing Modern Treatments

Despite advances in medical technology, Paul has chosen to remain inside his iron lung, eschewing modern treatments for his ailments. His decision reflects his determination to live life on his terms, despite the difficulties he faces daily.


The Polio Outbreak of 1950

To understand Paul’s journey fully, it’s essential to grasp the context of the 1950s. In the United States, a devastating polio outbreak affected approximately 58,000 individuals. Paul’s life took a fateful turn while he was playing outside his home. His mother noticed his feverish appearance as he returned indoors, prompting a visit to the hospital.


Diagnosis and Iron Lung

At the hospital, young Paul was diagnosed with polio. Initially, his condition was overlooked, but one astute doctor recognized the severity of his condition. Emergency measures were taken to alleviate the congestion in his lungs. Soon after, he was placed in an iron lung, alongside numerous other children who were also battling polio. Tragically, in 1979, Paul Alexander became paralyzed from the waist down, marking nearly seven decades inside the iron lung.

The Last of His Kind

Paul Alexander’s unique journey has made him the last known survivor to rely on an iron lung. Invented in 1928, this life-saving device has become increasingly obsolete, replaced by more modern medical interventions. Despite this, Paul has grown accustomed to life within the “old iron horse.”


Paul Alexander’s remarkable story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Despite the challenges life has thrown his way, he continues to inspire others with his unwavering determination and positive outlook. As we reflect on his journey, we are reminded that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit can soar to incredible heights. Paul’s legacy serves as a beacon of hope, encouraging us all to persevere and never give up, no matter the obstacles that lie before us.


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