What Happened To Yahritza Y Su Esencia?



Yahritza y su Esencia, a music sensation hailing from Washington State’s Yakima Valley, has made waves in the Latin music world. Comprising Yahritza Martínez, Armando Martínez, and Jairo Martínez, this sibling trio captured hearts with their music, particularly in the urban sierreño subgenre.


From Viral Sensation to Chart-Toppers

Starting as viral sensations on TikTok with their soulful sierreño guitar ballads, they climbed the ladder of success and even secured a spot on the prestigious Billboard Hot 100 with their hit song ‘Fragil.’ After signing a joint deal with Lumbre Music and Columbia Records, their debut EP ‘Obsessed’ in 2002 earned them Latin Grammy nominations. Their Mexican roots and unwavering respect for Mexican culture fueled their journey.


Becoming Billboard Chart-Toppers

While the Martínez siblings may have Mexican heritage, they weren’t deeply immersed in Mexican culture. Yet, through their dedication to music, their cumbia track soared to the number one spot on the Billboard Latin Airplay chart. Riding high on this success, they fulfilled their immigrant dream by gifting their parents a home in rural Washington.


Challenges Along the Way

Their path to stardom was not without challenges. Armando, one of the trio, lived as an undocumented immigrant for most of his life. His temporary departure from the band posed challenges to their dynamic. Nevertheless, they reunited in Mexico City, reigniting the spark of Yahritza y su Esencia.


Controversy Strikes

However, recent remarks made by the band during a Mexican interview have stirred controversy. As they candidly discussed their experiences in Mexico, their frankness raised eyebrows.

Yahritza commented on her stay in Mexico, saying, “Yes, I like it, but I don’t like being awakened by the sounds of cars and sirens. But yes, I do like it here; it’s beautiful.”

Armando, the eldest, expressed his thoughts on Mexican food, saying, “To be honest, I don’t really like the food here much. I prefer the food where we live, over in Washington; they season it with spices that give it a kick, and it tastes good.”

Jairo joined in, stating, “For me, it’s also the food (that I don’t like) because I am quite picky, and well, I mostly eat chicken; like wings without chili, I don’t like any of that.”


Mixed Reactions and Cancellation Controversy

These comments left fans divided. Some questioned whether the band was exploiting their cultural heritage for popularity. It’s important to note that the siblings were sharing their experiences of cultural shock, not expressing complete disdain for Mexico. Nonetheless, these remarks disappointed fans, leading to criticisms and calls for the trio’s cancellation.


Closing Thoughts

The controversy surrounding Yahritza y su Esencia sheds light on the fine line between honest expressions of cultural adjustment and perceived insensitivity. While their comments may have been misunderstood, it’s crucial to engage in open dialogues and promote cultural understanding. Ultimately, whether the criticisms against the band are valid or not, it’s essential to consider their intent and the broader context of their remarks before making judgments.




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