Who Is Danny Masterson, What Did He Do & What Is The Evidence That Got Danny Masterson In Prison?



The long-awaited verdict in the sexual assault case against American actor Danny Masterson finally arrived in May 2023. Masterson, known for his role as Steven Hyde in ‘That 70’s Show,’ faced accusations dating back to the early 2000s. This article explores who Danny Masterson is, the allegations against him, and the evidence that led to his conviction.


Who Is Danny Masterson?

Danny Masterson gained fame through his role in ‘That 70’s Show,’ which ran from 1998 to 2006. He also appeared in other projects but faced rape allegations that led to his firing from ‘The Ranch.’ Notably, he was the only original cast member not invited back for the sequel series, ‘That 90’s Show.’

Masterson, a Scientologist, began dating actress Bijou Philips in 2004, eventually marrying her in 2011. The couple has one daughter, born in February 2014.


What Did Danny Masterson Do?

Masterson was convicted of two counts of rape, with a jury unable to reach a verdict on a third accusation. These assaults occurred at his Hollywood home from 2001 to 2003 when he was at the height of his acting career. The victims claimed he drugged them, rendering them unable to resist, before committing the sexual assaults.

The LAPD initiated an investigation into Masterson in March 2017 after three women came forward with their allegations. By November of the same year, a fourth victim and actress Chrissie Carnell, who had worked with Masterson, also accused him of rape.

Netflix played a controversial role as some accusers alleged that a company executive dismissed the allegations as not credible. This led to the firing of both the executive and Masterson from ‘The Ranch.’

In December 2017, actress Bobette Riales, who had dated Masterson in the early 2000s, came forward with her allegations of repeated rape.

In August 2019, the four victims filed a lawsuit against Masterson and the Church of Scientology, alleging intimidation and stalking after making their accusations. The victims claimed their privacy was violated, and their families were harassed. Both parties denied these allegations.

Masterson faced charges for raping three women in June 2020 and was subsequently arrested. In 2021, he pleaded ‘not guilty.’ The victims shared their harrowing experiences in May 2021 and testified as witnesses in November 2022. Finally, in May 2023, Masterson was convicted.


What Was the Evidence Against Danny Masterson?

The convictions rested heavily on the testimony of the three victims who accused Masterson of rape. According to their accounts, he drugged them or spiked their drinks before assaulting them.

While the LAPD investigated the case based on numerous police reports, journalist Tony Ortega’s detailed report on the crimes against the women also contributed to the case. However, there was a lack of toxicological evidence supporting the women’s claims of being drugged.


How Many Years will Danny Masterson Serve?

Danny Masterson received a sentence of 30 years to life in prison for his two counts of rape that occurred in the early 2000s. The two victims delivered victim impact statements during his sentencing.

One victim from 2003 stated, “When you raped me, you stole from me. That’s what rape is, a theft of the spirit. You are pathetic, disturbed, and completely violent. The world is better off with you in prison.”

The second victim expressed regret for not reporting him sooner and emphasized the importance of his incarceration for the safety of other women.



The case against Danny Masterson, spanning several years, finally reached its conclusion with his conviction. The testimony of the victims played a pivotal role in securing his guilty verdict, despite the absence of toxicological evidence. With Masterson now serving a lengthy prison sentence, justice has been served to the survivors of his crimes, marking a significant moment in the #MeToo movement.




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