Why Did Joshua Cry During SEVENTEEN’s ‘Follow’ Tour In Japan?



Celebrities, just like anyone else, deserve their privacy. We often forget this, even though they’re in the public eye. Our obsession with their lives can harm their mental health. Recently, Joshua Hong from the popular Korean band SEVENTEEN found himself in the midst of dating rumors with model Cho Mi Young. These rumors were based on unverified evidence, and neither Joshua nor Cho Mi Young’s agencies confirmed anything. However, some fans couldn’t let go, leading to protests and unwarranted criticism. This unwanted attention may have taken a toll on Joshua, who was seen shedding tears during SEVENTEEN’s ‘Follow’ tour in Japan.


SEVENTEEN’s Remarkable Journey

Performing at the Tokyo Dome is a dream come true for artists. It’s an honor reserved for the very best. SEVENTEEN, a group that came from a small company, has carved its path to success. They are known for their authenticity and versatility, capturing the hearts of fans worldwide. Despite their rise to fame, they’ve faced numerous challenges in their career. Recently, the group’s leader, S. Coups, had to take a break due to a knee injury. Fans eagerly awaited his return, and his closing remarks at the concert meant a lot to them.


Joshua’s Emotional Moment

After each member addressed the fans, it was Joshua’s turn to speak. However, the weight of the situation overwhelmed him, and he couldn’t hold back tears. The fans, known as Carats, immediately showed their support and encouragement. They understood that Joshua had been dealing with unwarranted dating rumors and harsh criticisms.


The Toll of Unfounded Rumors and Criticisms

It’s crucial to remember that celebrities are human too. Unfounded rumors and constant scrutiny can be emotionally taxing. Joshua’s tears were likely a result of the immense pressure he had been under. The dating rumors, although baseless, had persisted for weeks, fueled by a relentless minority of fans and netizens who demanded Joshua’s removal from the group.


The Power of Fandom Support

The supportive reaction from Carats during Joshua’s emotional moment highlights the importance of a strong fanbase. SEVENTEEN’s fans have always been there for the members, providing unwavering support during both good times and bad. Instead of adding to the stress, they chose to uplift Joshua when he needed it the most.


The Need for Respect and Privacy

Joshua’s tears serve as a reminder that celebrities deserve respect and privacy in their personal lives. While fans have a deep connection with their favorite stars, it’s essential to draw the line between admiration and intrusion. Joshua’s ordeal demonstrates the potential harm that can arise when boundaries are crossed.



Joshua Hong’s emotional moment during SEVENTEEN’s ‘Follow’ tour in Japan was a poignant reminder of the toll unwarranted rumors and criticisms can take on celebrities. Despite their fame, celebrities are entitled to their privacy and emotional well-being. SEVENTEEN’s dedicated fanbase, Carats, displayed the importance of supporting their idols during challenging times. As fans, it’s crucial to respect boundaries and remember that our favorite stars are human beings with feelings and vulnerabilities.




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