Why Is “#BoycottBigGames” Trending?



What’s Behind the Trending Hashtag #BoycottBigGames?

It’s not unusual for games like Starfield, Minecraft, or Fortnite to make waves on platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. This happens when they introduce exciting updates or features that gamers love. But recently, something different has been going on in the gaming world – the hashtag #BoycottBigGames has been trending.


Pet Simulator X vs. Roblox Games: The Lawsuit Unraveled

BIG Games, a well-known gaming company, has been busy suing other games for allegedly copying their content. In a surprising turn, Pet Simulator X decided to take legal action against Roblox Games. Their claim? That Roblox’s cube-shaped pets look too much like the ones from their game.


 The Backstory: Why is Pet Simulator X Taking Legal Action?

While some games share similar features, not many take it seriously. But when word got out that someone leaked information about Pet Simulator X to BIG Games, things got serious. A leaks account named RBXG Leaks had been sharing details about Pet Simulator X for years. However, they were recently banned by BIG Games after Pet Simulator filed a lawsuit against Roblox Games.


 The Fallout: Gamers Rally Behind #BoycottBigGames

In the past, BIG Games sued Arm Wrestling Simulator for having similar pet designs. The community, however, felt the pets weren’t that alike. Now, BIG Games is facing backlash as they didn’t expect Pet Simulator X to fight back. RBXG Leaks, the leaks account, decided not to reveal more leaks, stating they were facing legal threats.


 Gamers Take a Stand: #BoycottBigGames Goes Viral

The gaming community is taking the issue seriously, with many using the hashtag #BoycottBigGames to show their support for Pet Simulator X. Some gamers are even poking fun at BIG Games. For example, a user named Sockaboy posted a picture of a duck with a square background, joking that BIG Games might sue them for it. Another user, Luiggi, playfully teased the color of the BIG Games logo.


 The Developer’s Perspective: Preston’s Reaction

Preston, the lead developer of BIG Games, has been swift in filing copyright claims, especially for games featuring square elements. This has led to some in the community expressing disappointment in his actions.



the gaming community is abuzz with the legal battle between Pet Simulator X and Roblox Games. The hashtag #BoycottBigGames is gaining traction as gamers rally behind Pet Simulator X’s cause. Meanwhile, Preston’s quick response to potential copyright issues is sparking discussions about fair play in the gaming world.




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