Why Is “How To Kill Tinubu” Trending On TikTok?



Nigeria, a country with a rich history, has faced its fair share of leadership challenges since gaining independence from British colonization in 1960. Chief Bola Ahmed Adekunle Tinubu emerged as a beacon of hope for the nation, but his presidency has been met with mixed reactions. This article delves into the trending hashtag #HowToKillTinubu on TikTok and explores the controversies surrounding President Tinubu’s tenure.


President Tinubu’s Rise to Power

Born and raised in Southwestern Nigeria, Tinubu later pursued higher education in the United States, studying accounting at Chicago State University. However, his time in the USA was marred by legal issues, including a conviction for offenses involving dishonesty and drug trafficking. Upon returning to Nigeria, he joined Mobil Nigeria as an accountant and entered politics, eventually becoming the governor of Lagos State from 1999 to 2007.


The Controversial Policies

Tinubu’s presidency was marked by ambitious economic reforms, most notably the removal of fuel subsidies. This decision led to a surge in petrol, transport, and food prices, causing discontent among the populace. Critics argued that these policies disproportionately affected ordinary Nigerians.


HowToKillTinubu on TikTok

In response to the growing discontent, Nigerians took to TikTok to express their views on President Tinubu’s tenure. The hashtag #HowToKillTinubu began trending as a platform for both his supporters and critics to voice their opinions. While some defended Tinubu, stating it was too early to judge his presidency, others used the trend to criticize his policies.


Tinubu’s Bold Statement

President Tinubu, in a recent address to the Yoruba community, made a bold statement, declaring, “You Can’t Kill Me, I’m Like a Poison Ivy, I Can’t Be Eaten.” This statement, seen as a response to his critics, further fueled the TikTok trend, with users creatively interpreting its meaning.


Allegations and Misinformation

Amid the controversy, allegations emerged suggesting that Tinubu aimed to introduce the US dollar as Nigeria’s new currency. Despite being debunked, these claims circulated widely on social media. Some commentators even labeled him a “puppet” for Western interests, sparking discussions about the need for a change in leadership.


The Court’s Verdict

While the nation remained divided over President Tinubu’s tenure, a court ruling sided in his favor, further intensifying the discussions around his presidency. The hashtag #HowToKillTinubu took on a symbolic meaning, signifying the desire for a change in leadership through legal means.


President Tinubu’s International Visit

In a surprising turn of events, President Tinubu became the first Nigerian president to attend the G20 summit in India. This international engagement raised questions about his administration’s foreign policies and garnered both support and criticism from the Nigerian public.



The trending hashtag #HowToKillTinubu on TikTok reflects the complex sentiments surrounding President Tinubu’s controversial tenure. While some see him as a beacon of hope, others view him as a divisive figure. As Nigeria grapples with its leadership challenges, the nation watches closely to see how President Tinubu’s presidency unfolds in the coming years.




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